The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas, recently described the Judicial College as one of the leading judicial training institutes in the world: “it is playing an increasingly important role in spearheading the training of judges in other countries. In many different ways, it is helping to strengthen the foundations of the rule of law together with economic prosperity”. I have no doubt the Judicial College does excellent training but it would help in spreading understanding if there were more information on it in the public domain. If you go on the Judicial College website it is impossible to find out who runs the college -staff or Board. There are no contact numbers or email addresses which the outside world could use to find out more. And as for the quality of the courses, I cannot find any published evaluations of the courses for magistrates or judges. I know the Judicial College probably has scarce resources for their website, for evaluation, or to interact with interested members of the public, but given the paucity of information available, its hard for “outsiders” like myself to understand how the Judicial College runs and what it does.